Just think!

Close your eyes for a moment – Whoops! NO!  I mean after you’ve read this!..
Close your eyes and imagine that you’re a very successful PADI Diving Instructor! Imagine how your life would be if you were “living the dream”. Of course when I say “living the dream” I mean “living YOUR dream” – the life that you want, the life that would make you happy.
What would you need to do to make your life more fulfilling?

What thoughts don’t work?

Wishing that things were different doesn’t work!
Have you ever tried to give up smoking? lose weight? get fit? be happy?
When you wish, when you use willpower or when you consider things a chore, you’re unlikely to succeed.
Take a look around you at people that DO succeed. They don’t Try to keep fit, they don’t Try to lose weight, they don’t Try to be happy.
It’s more like they’re on a mission! they can’t stop thinking about their passions. They eat, breathe and sleep thinking about their dreams. They’re compelled to continue.
Their enthusiasm for life is endless. It IS their life!

Everything starts with your thoughts.

Wishing isn’t good enough. You need to do what other successful people do and visualise your success. It starts (and continues) with your thoughts.  Your destiny is in YOUR hands. So Let’s get dreaming! use your imagination, use your visualisation. Be compelling. Feel the energy, feel the passion. You’ll be surprised at how habit forming this can be, and how it can lead to lasting change. This is your new life.
While you are visualising your future, concentrate on these three things –

+ Imagine that your scuba lessons are full of laughter, full of activity, full of energy,
+ Imagine that you are confident (it doesn’t matter if this isn’t true! – these are your thoughts you can dream what you like!)
+ Imagine that you can “Share the love” of Scuba diving, people keep coming back to you time and time again, bringing their friends to share your enthusiasm.

Help is at hand

You can live the life that you dream of. The journey is a lot easier than you think.
Confidence comes from Knowledge, it comes from Skill and it comes from Practice.
My PADI Instructor Development Courses are seen as “Motivational” and “Inspirational”  It’s not unusual for PADI Instructors who are in teaching status, to come along to pick up new ideas, new techniques and practice new ways of implementing them.
Click on one of the three buttons below to find out more. Whoever you are, whatever you’re looking to achieve with your life, click one of the buttons and let me know how I can help you to reach your dreams.

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