“You can do things the hard way or the easy way, PADI Course Director showed me the easy way.”

I know your pain! Whether it’s the maths, physics or physiology, everyone finds something difficult to wrap their head around. I was no different. For me, physics and the effects of pressure was the tough one

The good news?

It’s all much easier than you think!

Over time I’ve discovered that PADI IDC preparation can be so very simple

There are a lot of wonderful tips on the following pages, but you might want more.

The PADI IDC Mega Revision Pack is designed to get you right up to speed in Theory and PADI Standards for your PADI Instructor Exam.

Now let’s get started with the “Free Stuff”

The freebies

Here you’ll find some useful help. Watch the videos. Answer the sample questions and ask away at the bottom of each page.


  1. Physics
  2. Physiology
  3. RDP
  4. Skills & environment
  5. Equipment
  6. Skill Circuit

For more details about PADI IDC Revision / Exams and Theory click here

The personal touch

One-on-one mentoring, mock theory and standard exams through the online Distance Learning PADI IDC Preparation Course (DLPC). Each mock exam has the same format and content as you’ll find on your Instructor Exam.

Over the past 6 years every single one of my IDC Candidates has opted into this course… and every single one of them has told me how glad they were that they did!

The open door

Even if you’ve booked your PADI IDC somewhere else you can still use the Distance Learning course: Click here for more details about the DLPC to make sure you start your course feeling prepared, confident and ready to go. You’ll be fully up to speed with Theory and PADI Standards.