PADI Skill Demonstrations are designed so that the student diver has an idea of how to do that skill.

The student divers that learn best by either listening/reading have already done so by reading their PADI manuals. Those who learn best by looking at pictures/videos have already done so by watching the PADI DVD. They really want to “get on” with it, and have a go themselves.

Your students that learn best by “doing” aren’t really going to listen much to your briefing. And they won’t watch your PADI Skill Demonstrations very closely. They will only learn from having a go. And they can’t wait to have a crack at the skill themselves.

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Simple PADI Skill Demonstrations are more effective

Today’s society can’t retain too much information in their heads.  Why? We’re all being conditioned by the internet, google, smart phones etc. We are bombarded by too much information and it turns us off!  So, we need to make our PADI Skill Demonstrations as simple as possible.  We used to try to achieve this by breaking our PADI Skill Demonstrations down into small, manageable parts. But for today’s learner, this actually has the adverse effect.  It makes an easy skill, seem complex.  So now we are rethinking and in order to make our PADI Skill Demonstrations as effective as possible we just need to make them slow, exaggerated and easy.

You need to emphasise the “critical attributes” and then let your Students learn for themselves.

PADI Skill Demonstrations: If you struggle with tying a Bowline, take a look at this video, you’ll never have a problem again!

PADI Skill Demonstrations: And last of all, if you’re teaching a surface skill, it’s a good idea to brief and demonstrate the skill at the same time. Here is an example of a PADI Instructor integrating the briefing and demonstration of “Deflate / Inflate BCD at the Surface”