Kick Kick – Glide!

Kieran and Lisa finished their PADI Open Water Course last weekend, and like most brand new divers, were very envious of the way that PADI Instructors look so comfortable and relaxed in the water.
Everything was new for them. They had only the experience of the course training dives. Of course during the PADI Open Water Course they mastered Neutral Buoyancy and of course they hovered… BUT nowhere near as good as they wanted to be in their imagination!
Along comes the PPB course!  And Imagination is probably the one single most important ingredient of great buoyancy. In the week leading up to the dives, as they read their manuals, they imagined their buoyancy improving. As they watched the video, they visualised themselves being relaxed and “felt” the sensation of rising and falling gently in the water.
On Saturday, they switched imagination for the real thing!  And after just TWO DIVES!!  Their diving has transformed! They are now relaxed, comfortable, and their air consumption is as efficient as any diver with 20 or more dives experience..
Lisa and Kieran are excellent learners, and are keen to improve all the time, but many PADI Instructors underestimate the power of Specialty Courses.  The courses really do concentrate on the subject matter, and when used effectively, make magical changes to behaviour and ability.